We are proud to present you a program which is of a special interest for the parents who wish their children to stay less time at the computer. Instead of always trying to convince your kids to get off the monitor, you install this program in the System (Windows) of your child.
    Every time the user starts the System, the time countdown starts and first indicating to the user that it is not much time left and then offering the possibility to borrow some time necessary to finish some essential piece of work from the next day (the used time - from the borrowed one- is be taken off the next day's time, if the computer is not used this day isn't, the borrowed time expires) and, if the user doesn't react, the computer will be "shutdown".
    Of course the user will try to defend himself against being put under a limit or the user's skills may be good enough to outwit the program.

  Download - (DauServ.zip ~ 656K)

Calculation of beams and frames.

Application of Partial Feedback Method

   You need the calculation of static deformation and (or) an analysis of the forced vibration of structures, which can be considered as beams of variable cross-section and material, arbitraryly curved in three-dimensional space (including closed forms), with arbitrary number of different supports, consideration of external and internal damping inlcuding associated shock-proof masses and other possible features. Use the developed program for carrying out such calculations.
( Version for Windows - Rahmen_W , for Linux - Rahmen_L ) . It allows you to quickly and graphically (using the usual graphical representations of beams) to prepare and conduct a similar calculation. It is also applicable to the calculation of such core structures as frames, trusses or ceilings.

   Illustrations of the individual capabilities of the method: - " MPO_T.exe " , " MPO_R.exe " , " MPO_G.exe " .

   The method of partial feedback (MPF) is a general approach used for finding numerical solution of differential equation systems, in particular in deformable solid mechanics, in which case a real construction is replaced by a finite set of elements with known properties. The further calculation is based on the fulfilment of continuity condition of deformation/is based on ensuring the continuity of deformation while combining separately (partial) calculated parts of the whole structure to the right and to the left from the structural section under study (feedback).
   The MPF is particularly efficient for analysing static deformation, stability and forced vibration of three-dimensional quasi-one-dimensional elastic structures and their systems.

   If you want more information about this method, please refer to the primary sources - works by V.S. Chuvikovsky.

    Чувиковский В.С., Палий О.М., Спиро В.Е. „Решение задач строительной механики методом парциальных откликов“.
    Чувиковский В.С. „Численные методы расчетов в строительной механике корабля“.

The author is grateful in advance for any comments and advice. Email : D.Nikolaev@d-nik.de

Copyright © 2007 D.Nikolaev d-nik.de